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What to pack in your hospital birth bag

First and foremost, it's important to check with your local Tennessee hospital or birthing center to see if they have any specific recommendations or requirements for what to bring. With that said, here are some general items to consider packing:

1. Comfortable clothing: Pack loose, comfortable clothing that will be easy to move around in during labor and after delivery. Be sure to bring extra clothes to change into as well.

2. Snacks and drinks: Labor can be a long process, so it's essential to pack snacks and drinks to keep you energized and hydrated.

3. Toiletries: Bring all the toiletries you typically use, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and hairbrush. Don't forget any medication you need too.

4. Entertainment: Pack anything that can keep you entertained and relaxed during labor, such as books, music, or handheld games.

5. Newborn clothing: Bring clothing, blankets diapers wipes, and hats for your baby. Make sure the clothing you bring is easy to put on and take off.

6. Nursing supplies: If you're planning to breastfeed, bring nursing bras, nursing pads, and a breast pump if needed.

7. Important documents: Don't forget to pack your ID, insurance card, and any necessary hospital paperwork.

8. Bring your camera: Unless you plan on hiring a TN Newborn Photographer to come into you hospital, it is important to bring your own personal camera to catch your baby's new-ness.

9. Contact your newborn photographer to let her know that you are heading to the hospital to have your baby. This is a way to ensure that your newborns photo shoot is done within 5-14 days after your newborn is born.

Remember that packing for your hospital birth bag is personal and may vary depending on your specific needs and preferences. The most important thing is to pack what makes you feel comfortable and prepared for your labor and delivery.